Monday, October 6, 2008

I've been Tagged

I've been TAGGED!!

Can I just say.. if I had not checked Rochelles tagged page...I would've skipped happily over the tagged game, but, alas...I checked it...and now have to play.

3 Names You Go By
-Marissa/Sandra... depending on the setting

3 Restaurants I Love
- Los Hermanos
- Magelby's Fresh Breakfast
- I cant decide, so number 3 is a 3 way tie. Buffalo wings at Wingers, Chinese Food, or the Italian Garden.

3 Trips to Plan on This Year

- Road to Hana...including the many hikes to the 7 sacred pools.
- A Hawaiian cruise of the islands including the temples... well, I guess temple now.
- Back home to visit everybody.

3 Things I Want Badly
- To be done with school
- To have more time
- To be more knowledgeable with many various different things... yes, I know that this highly conflicts with #1. haha

3 Pets I've had
- Cats..lots
- Dogs. 2 doger and freckles
- Bunnies...and fish.. hehe

3 Things I did Yesterday
- Watched conference
- Took a nap
- Talked to my family

3 Things I Ate Today
- Oatmeal
- BBQ chicken
- Salad

3 Fears
- Chainsaws
- Spiders
- Not become the person the Lord intended me to be, and meeting him and he not being happy with the work I've done.

3 Things I Plan on Doing Today
3 things? I wish I had only 3 things I planned on doing.
- Do family home evening
- Do my economics homework
- Try to go to bed before 12:30

3 Things I Plan on Doing Tomorrow
- Work
- Homework and take tests
- The Beach

3 Favorite Holidays
- 4th of July
- My birthday...its atog holiday!
- Christmas...and mainly any holiday that brings the family together

3 Favorite Beverages
- Hot Chocolate
- Strawberry Milk
- Lemonade

3 People I Tag
- Mike
- Kendra
- who ever is reading this right now.


Liz T. said...

I love your tag. I'm the one who tagged Rochelle! Hee hee. I think we have a lot of the same fears. Can't wait to see you again. The Road to Hana is supposed to be amazing.

Rochelle said...

Hehe i got you! hehe

Michael and Kendra Taylor said...

So this is what I get for reading your blog?

Christi said...

In your 3 Trips to Plan on, don't forget there are two temples in Hawaii. So yes it is okay to use the plural...Timmy